Monday, 11 February 2013

Slide 4

How are representations contrasted across the three platforms?
How are characters/stars in the film represented in:

This is the official poster for Ill Manors as it has most of the important things which they need to get across to the audience. The character which we could see on this poster is one of the main characters, Aaron. He was given a friend role; his friend in the film was Ed. Aaron is represented as the bad side of the young youth in the poster, which means the negative side.  The reason why I can say this is because he has a gun in his hand which means he’s up to something. In this poster you could also say that he is afraid of himself or knows that he is on the wrong path, as he is not looking directly at the camera. The reason why the producer of this poster has done this is because they want to show that he is not powerful, he does not have power in his hand. The only power he has is that gun. If Aaron was a powerful man he would not have been looking away from the camera, he would have been looking directly at the camera or the audience. The other thing which we could connote is that he knows that he is wrong or is on the bad path, that’s why he is ashamed of himself and is looking away. He is given the seriously look, but he feels guiltily about the things he has done in life. The reason why there is a council flat in the background is because they want to express his background and that he is one of them who live in council houses.

In this poster you could see the producer of Ill Manors, Ben Drew. He is sitting on top of a council flat with a cigarette in his mouth. If an old person looks at this poster they would straight away think badly about this person in the poster because he has a cigarette in his mouth and he has a hood on. They would state him as a (chav) or him as a bad young adult because of what they are seeing. Ben Drew himself has been given a bad representation because of what he is showing in the poster. The reason why he would be given a bad representation is because he has a cigarette in his mouth and he has a hood on. That’s the only reason why he would get a bad representation. Print media gives the characters from Ill Manors a bad representation because of what they show to the audience. Ben Drew himself is not looking directly at the camera because he is feeling ashamed of himself because of the cigarette in his mouth. He is given a bad stereotype

Broadcast plays a huge role in representing the characters and the stars. In the trailer we see nearly most of the characters and all of them are given a bad representation. There are shown as they are useless to the environment and they harm the environment. The reason for this is shown in the trailer where all the characters as bad as each other. They all have a negative stereotype and a negative role to play. This makes the audience think badly about them. The things that give the characters a bad representation in the trailer is the codes and convections, props and there action. For example drugs, guns, sex, gangs, fights, violence, and drinking. These are all the things which give the characters a bad stereotype. All the codes and convections are used to give the bad representation to the characters. The media uses loads of aspects to give them a bad representation and a bad stereotype.

In the Jonathan Ross show Ben Drew is represented as a guy who failed most of his life and now has chosen the right path because of the points he has in his mind. He wants to express his feelings to the nation. Here the media expresses his views and tells the audience things about him. Now as he is becoming a famous guy the media are presenting him as a very good guy. He has attended loads of shows like this and all of them support his views and help him promote his film and music career as well.  The reason why some times the media represent Ben Drew as a very great lad is because he is helping little children or young teenagers to choose the right path as he knows that’s the time when they get influenced by everything. He says I want to help the young people living in council flats because they get less respect from the society. They make the show funny and Jonathan might make some points which could be serious but they make the whole situation into a joke. In the show he is wearing normal clothing which means he is being represented as a cool and relaxed guy. 

Here as we could see that Ben Drew has won an award for what he is producing, here the media are representing him as a very successful man as they are interviewing him while he comes and with that award. They want to show the audience how he is becoming successful. There are many ways which the media represents him but in this one they show him as becoming very successful. The reason why they interview him here is because of the awards he has won.

Q2) In most of the interviews and shows Ben Drew has been on, the media have given him a good representation because of his idea. Whenever he talks about his career in the shows he tells the audience that he wants to help the young teenagers living in council houses, because they don’t have much support as the rich society people and the result of this is them going in the bad path and doing what they are told not to. Here the media tells us that he is a good role model for the young children. He believes that they could be successful in life as well if they have the support with them and he’s there to give them support. He states that he was like that as well and he had to choose the right path and today he is a big star and really famous artists. Ben Drew’s values and ideologies are those young teenagers who are less fortunate can also be successful in life. He says that he wants to help them.
The reason why they are presented to the audience this way is because they when the audience see himself speaking about his ideologies then they would believe it, but if it is not himself then no one would believe it. Everyone knows that most of the things on the news are planned then shown to the audience. That’s the reason why he has attended loads of interviews and been asked about his views.  The audience do get a chance to get involved with these ideas and points, through E-media. They could get involved by using social networking site as Ill Manors is everywhere now. The audience could go and leave their views in the comment box. In a way the audience here would be promoting the film and they are giving feedback to the director.

Q3 The print and E-media have similar thoughts as both would be promoting the same idea, the poster above which I have spoken about would be on the social networking site as well, as it is the main poster for Ill Manors. This might connote to the audience that he might be one of the main characters as he is used most on the promotion for Ill Manors. I think that there are loads of differences in the characters and stars in the film. As Aaron is becoming the better character through the film and Ed still has the bad ego character role. Normally you would see black raced people using drugs and selling drugs but in this film you see that white and black people are using drugs, this shows that Ben Drew has challenged the stereotype. In the film East London is now represented as a bad place as the film shows us because it is all set in East London. The similarities are that Ben Drew is trying to show us his view and his ideologies through each bit we see to do with him or the film.

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