Monday, 15 April 2013

Exam practise questions

Guardians TV advert

Media form: what techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to consume the guardian?
There are loads of techniques used in this advert to persuade the audience to consume the guardian newspaper.  The first thing which would engage the audience in to the advert is the music. The music right at the beginning is very powerful. It starts off slow and when the camera zooms into the bowl; the music gets faster and faster. This affect creates tension and it also creates enigma codes which came from Barthes. Enigma codes are normally used in TV adverts and trailers, the reason why they are used is because they leave that tension in the audience mind that what is going to happen next. The music later on gets louder, and then suddenly you see the guardian newspaper come up and they start typing up on the newspaper, here they are trying to say that the guardian newspaper would update the latest news start away if anything important happens. Later on it shows the lady on the guardian website, here they are trying to show that you could use the internet to connect with them as well, you don’t always need to go and buy the newspaper.
Then they have used special affects to grab the audience attention in, they show on screen loads of comments and people socialising about the news. They show one person then they show 4 and then in the next shot they show a wide range of people, they are trying to show that there news has got loads of people interested. Then the next affect which will pull in the audience to consume the guardian is the bit when the doctors walk in the house and there is writing over them saying is killing an intruder ever justified, then it says yes or no, so they are trying to get the audience involved in this little story they have made up, here E-media is used because that’s the only platform which will allow the audience to get involved in the story. The main message of this ad is that the guardian newspaper would allow you to get the latest new, and would let you get involved and show us and tell them what you think, they also show that you don’t always have to go and get the newspaper, you could go on the guardian website or you could download their app on your smart phones. This is very attractive as loads of people won’t want to spend money on a newspaper everyday just for that day.

The news is represented very positive because the main aim of news is to get the information about the issue to the audience which the ad does, it tells them that the pigs have being caught, what you are as audience going to do. They audience take the news very serious and protest for the pigs. You can see loads of people protesting for the pigs which mean that they are taking the news very serious. In this advert the news is taken very serious because they show the pigs being sentence, that’s why the audience are very interested and protest for the pigs.  The reason why the people are protesting is because the pigs have been given a negative representation and a bad stereotype, they are being called murders, that’s the reason the people are protesting because they know that the pigs won’t do that. They know that the pigs are always good that’s why they are protesting.
Media institution:

I think that the guardian newspaper appeals to a high class demographics, so people A/B class people, high professional working class, in big companies. The reason why I think they are the target audience for this newspaper is because they can afford it. I don’t think people with low income would go and buy a newspaper which costs more than a £1 because they won’t want to waste money as they are getting less income anyway.  They are the people who would want to get involved with the society as they live in it, they would challenge the stereotype, and they would challenge things. They have the power to do things like this, the age group would be from 24-42 this would be the audience group for the guardian newspaper. The psychographics would be aspires because they have the power to judge something by its looks not by the actual thing. 

There are loads of codes and convections used in the game trailer to hook its audience to tell the audience what the genre is about. The codes and convections help the trailer to tell its audience what it is about, the fast editing and quick shots in the trailer connote that it is something to do with action, it hooks up the audience.  The music also is a fact pace music which gives the clue about the genre. The voice over at the beginning is not that clear, which is done deliberately because they want the audience to listen to it very carefully and want them to pay full attention. Then the other thing which engages the audience is the text which appears after every two shots to make the audience read more about the information they are giving them.  mise en scene in this film trailer would be props, the props used in the trailer to establish the texts genre are guns the bombs, the things which would happen in a war. These are the typical convections a trailer would use to hook and tell its audience what the trailer is about. 

War is represented as being very serious in this trailer; it is defiantly given a negative stereotype that is bad. They show things been bombed which has happened in real life, they want to give s flash back of what has happened in the past, and know are trying to convince the audience to buy it to experience how it would've been in war.  I think war has been given a negative stereotype because they are fighting and killing each other over nothing.

This text appeals to young teenagers even though the audience is from 18+, the young audience would get their parents to buy the game for them as it appeals to them. They are the audience what like these kinds of things; this genre of action really engages them as they are the ones always wanting to fight. The reason they would buy it is because they are getting pleasures from it, if they weren’t getting pleasures from it they won’t want to buy. 

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