Friday, 28 September 2012

anaylsis moving image

Colour: this commercial is not in black and white, it’s in normal colour. The producer has added an effect to the colours to make them look a bit old and a bit dull. He has done this because at the beginning when the commercial starts the voice over says “years ago”. This is the reason the producer of the commercial has done this to make it look old or dull.

Pose: the camera is not still it keeps moving everywhere to show both of the brothers. They are not still, they are everywhere on the commercial.

Type of shot: the producer of the commercial has used verities of shots. (for example) at the beginning of the commercial when it shows both of the brothers fighting it’s a mid shot because the producer wants the audience to see the two brothers fighting over a chocolate very clearly that’s why it’s an mid shot. All of these shots have been used in this Twix commercial: close up, mid shot, zoom in, and zoom out, long shot, high angle shot and many more.

Setting: the setting at the beginning is at a old, roman place then later it’s an big ground. Then there are shots taking in the factory.

Lighting: the lighting is balanced out, it’s not too darks it’s not too bright. If it was too dark the commercial won’t look nice and if it was too bright it would just look like that they have no understanding of what they have done.


  1. WWW: You've embedded the clip and analysed the main aspects with some reference to connotation (the point about faded colour is good).
    EBI: I'm not sure the clip really helps you here, but you need much more analysis than you've offered. You need to get across the attempt at humour, the close-ups of the product and more.
    LR: What can you say about the advert's attempt to be funny? Does it work?

  2. I think the advert is funny when it shows both factories doing the same thing, but the voice over says something else. That makes the advert funny. One more place where the advert is funny is at the end of the advert when both vans try getting in.
    I think the advert will work but they could of done one more thing which is to talk about buying it more.
